
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baby Bump!

We had our ultrasound last week and got to actually see the baby move!  It was kicking and twisting all over the place.  We got a few pictures to take home and show everyone.  I was feeling great that week, thinking I had seen the last of my morning sickness.  Sunday and Monday I constantly threw up and couldn't keep anything down.  I had run out of Zofran so as soon as I was able to refill the prescription, I started taking them again.  It took me a week to recover from those 2 days.  Now I know while the meds don't fully take away the morning sickness, it keeps me out of the hospital.  I go back to work tomorrow, and I'm nervous about how everyone will feel about my absence.  It was a busy month that I missed, but there were a few weeks where I couldn't even sit up, much less drive.  It will be nice to be on a regular schedule again, but I will miss hanging out with Josh all day.  Also, I woke up a few days ago and discovered I had a baby bump.  13 weeks!  I'm now on my way to the 2nd trimester which is said to be the easiest.  I'll believe it when I see it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

  So what have I been doing the last 12 hours?  Watching Lois and Clark  and sleeping.  Josh?  Playing the new Halo game with Nick.  All night.  I haven't felt morning sickness at all today, and I haven't taken any Zofran recently.  Hopefully this means I'm at the end of this.  The zofran helps take the edge off, but I still feel sick throughout the day.

Matthew said that he can't wait to be an uncle this morning of FB :)  I can't wait to be a mom!  I get to celebrate my first Mother's Day next year!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Entry

Today I'm 11 weeks into my pregnancy.  I still fit into my size 8 jeans, so the only physical changes I've noticed are bigger boobs and food aversions (coffee).  I've been hugging the toilet for the last 6 weeks, and work finally put me on short term disability.  I'm home all day because I don't feel like going anywhere, but Josh takes care of me in between his Call of Duty breaks.  Halo comes out tomorrow, so it looks like I'm on my own for a while.  
I've been looking at maternity clothes.... WTF?  Tall women get pregnant too, you know.  My boobs have outgrown Victoria's Secret biggest size, so Walmart here I come.... that is when I have the ability to sit up without throwing up.  

I'm continuing my grad school classes.  I'm taking Space Design 1 (online!!) and Intro to Nanotechnology. This one might actually be hard.  I'm set to graduate in August of next year... roughly 4 months after the baby is born.  Am I retarded for taking a full load of classes and working full time throughout my pregnancy?  Watch my water break in one of my final exams.... it is due around the time for Winter quarter exams anyway.... "Hey professor?  Can I take this at a later date?  I gotta run to the hospital real quick to have this kid."  Plus if Josh doesn't find a job by the time I graduate, I'm going to have to go for a 2nd MS to make ends meet.  GI Bill is my friend, especially with the $1500 BAH.  

So back to the baby... if it's a girl, we chose the name Alexis Sydney Reynolds.  I haven't thought of a boys name yet.  I have my ultrasound testing for Downs coming up in a few weeks, and we might be able to find out the gender!  If not I have to wait until week 20.  We got to hear the heartbeat a few weeks ago, and that was pretty exciting!  I just wish my tummy would start getting bigger so I can wear cute maternity clothes.  I guess I can shove a pillow in there for now :)